Year after year, the activity related to dog training systems was growing and a full range of products was developed for dog training, falcon training and more in general animal training and surveillance.
2018 - Acquisition by BCBB
For more than ten years, Michael and Bart Bellon, owners of B.C.BB, worked closely with Charles Martin, the owner of Martin System®, in both the commercial and the technological fields.
They contributed significant added value to the company in terms of the development of new products, which are used in NePoPo® training too. In the meantime, B.C.BB had developed its own products using the cutting edge technology in electronics from Martin System®.
Michael and Bart did bring the Chameleon® I and Chameleon® II to Martin System®, which they patented and produced as individuals before purchasing Martin System®. Michael and Bart also brought the technology of the CTT to Martin System®.
B.C.BB B.V. is a Belgian company, owned and managed by Mrs Michael Bellon & M. Bart Bellon. From its inception the company has specialised in dog training (concept & NePoPo® school) and in the development and distribution of dog training equipment for professionals and individual dog owners (leisure, hunting…).
- Since the take-over of Martin System® :
- B.C.BB is focussing entirely on the dog training activity (NePoPo® school www.nepopotraining.com).
- Martin System ® organizes the development, manufacturing and commercialisation of dog training systems

*Jaqueline ‘Jacki’ Barbieri/Terra Incognita, LLC and Bart Bellon/Michael Bellon/B.C.BB B.V./Nouveaux Establissements Charles Martin SA/Dances with Malinois, LLC/NePoPo®/ the NePoPo® Schools/Martin System® are not affiliated with each other.